When you Join the League of Heroes
with others on the Quest
You’ll receive weekly zoom calls with me to support
your success in your challenge for 12 weeks.
Get ready to roc n’ roll!
The Quest is for everyone who wants to experience a new level of abundance and success with significance in every part of their life. Join me for a transformational 12 week course and choose 3 manageable Challenges that are right for you. You will be able to share your progress through videos and pics, as well get support and encouragement from your Quest tribe, your League of Heros. You may choose to acquire an accountability partner to keep you on track.
You are stronger than you think. Together, we will learn to develop our inner power and resilience to face life’s challenges.
Take the Hero Quest You Challenge …or You’ll Never Know How Far You Can Go!
I believe people can change. I’ve seen it all around me and in the mirror. Most people don’t ever truly change because they believe in the age-old adage that they can’t. That they are set in their ways and of one mind. Ha! That makes me laugh till my stomach hurts. Just think of how different your way of thinking and beliefs are now from when you were 10 years younger. That’s living proof! And you weren’t ever trying to change. I don’t believe people can change, I know people can change. It’s a fact. We are here to help you pursue your passion to achieve your greatest potential! I am emotionally committed help you develop powerful success principles to help you break through whatever may be holding you back.
So kick the tires and light the fires! It’s time to unleash your greatness.
Whether you want to increase your prosperity, get in amazing shape, find the relationship you want, or be financialy free, we will find the answers together.

Here’s What You Will Learn:
- How to write a New Story for your life
- How to overcome self doubt and find the confidence to achieve your goals faster
- Mental Mind Tools to overcome obstacles to bounce back faster than you believed
- You will acquire an abundance mentality that will help you manifest your intentions
- The courage to act in spite of fear, to escalate your thinking, develop your persistence, develop your determination and understand the power of your convictions.
- To re-pattern your disempowering beliefs to live
consciously - your key to ultimate success. - You’ll be amazed by what you can do when you have a team rooting for you.
You will be inspired and empowered to maintain a powerful mindset to create the life you want.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
I hear you... I was you!
And you know what? You’ve got this. Whether you want to get in great
shape, become debt-Free, skyrocket your sales, improve your relationships
or achieve ANY goal you want in record time,
you are just as capable of being that positive, focused self-loving person.
Real change is in your hands. The thing is no one can transform anyone else. I know this first hand. I almost died when I was hit by a taxi walking across the street. I had 17 staples holding my head together and I had to fight my way back to life for some time. I know what it takes to go the distance. I learned that life is precious, and we have no time to waste.

$395.00 one time payment. $177 if you sign up before Sept 22nd.
Of course there is no magic formula. The only thing that really works is doing the work. And not just improved abs. To my unexpected delight I discovered that the way to turn any bad habit into a good habit, is through the simple act of challenging yourself. But you can’t do it alone or you would have done it.
But as with everything there is always the temptation to slip slide into old routines and fall into the old mind set. How to stay on track? We are on a Challenge that we certainly don’t want to give up on, because hey, it’s a challenge we ourselves have made, no one else. Expressing our gifts in the world is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.
Your self-image is critical to your ultimate success. What matters most is your outlook, your mindset, your attitude, your thinking and the belief systems that guide your life. And these are all in your control. Let’s work it together.
But as with everything there is always the temptation to slip slide into old routines and fall into the old mind set. How to stay on track? We are on a Challenge that we certainly don’t want to give up on, because hey, it’s a challenge we ourselves have made, no one else. Expressing our gifts in the world is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.
Your self-image is critical to your ultimate success. What matters most is your outlook, your mindset, your attitude, your thinking and the belief systems that guide your life. And these are all in your control. Let’s work it together.

You may join the League of Heroes course whether you sign up for the 100 day challenge or not.
Here’s What You Will Get:
- A weekly lesson on Zoom with me and Q&A to follow
- A free private coaching consultation
- A Change Plan workbook to making healthy change
- A Private Facebook Group to share your progress
By taking this Challenge, you not only will develop great new habits and create the new you, but you will also have an opportunity to be a part of our reality-based web series that is in development. You are invited to share your progress during your. At the end of the 12 week journey, 3 Heroes will be chosen to showcase their amazing transformations. Great Prizes are in store. We will of course meet to celebrate each other!
Turn your dreams into reality.
Sign up for the 100 Day Challenge and join our Hero Quest You Tribe. There is no time like the present to invest in your future.
What you do matters. Make it count.